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Take a Rest, Catch your Breath

This. In the midst of all the busy-ness, and fullness of life- may this video be a gift to you. A pause. A moment. A deep inhale. Take a moment to pause. Can you tap into that sacred space between your inhale and exhale- the pause?

This weekend we hear one of the best known parables of Jesus- The Prodigal . Luke 15 has 3 parables of lost and found; sheep, coins, a son. In all that life has held recently I "lost" my practice of pausing, finding my home in my heart, taking the time and sacred space for Centering prayer.

Rest when weary. Rest and be renewed. Rest and pause. The message came. I was reminded of this Taize Song and also that music often speaks to our hearts in ways that words alone cannot. May this song help you remind you to take that deep breath and pause. Take a rest, catch your breath.Come Holy Spirit Come.



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