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Love, Joy, Peace

Christmas is a season that lasts from Christmas Day- December 25 to Epiphany- January 6. this is an invitation to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas. The three point sermon (Love, Joy, Peace) of Christmas Eve shared how the love of God is Jesus in the flesh- the Love that comes to us as a gift. The joy is of Jesus is like a freudenfreude where we enter into the joy of another. We have the love freely given to us- to spread to others. As we keep letting in that love it transforms our lives.

That love invites us to share in the joy of one another. This joy lightens our burdens and together with love creates peace within. The peace of Christ is also a gift; a freedom from judgment and fear. Over these twelve days of Christ let's practice an increased awareness of the Love of Christ that surrounds and sustains us. Together let's enter into the joy of one another. One breath and one moment at a time let's inhale peace exhaling judgment and fear. Love, Joy, Peace... let's take them in, celebrate them and share them with the world these.


1 Kommentar

Unknown member
25. Dez. 2022

Being there in the “flesh” on this beautiful Christmas Day,

we are all like “broken pipes”, needing restoration,

and the healing begins with your message, His message,

to share in His love, joy, and peace. Thank you Pastor Margot,

you are our congregation’s guiding light through the good times,

and the bad times, and those times in between.

May you, Dan, and family have a very Merry Christmas, and a blessed,

and Happy, Healthy, New Year! Love, Terry & Jim

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