Who knew that knot technology likely predates the wheel and the axe as a tool used by humans? Or did you know that primates tie knots? Here is a video of an orangutan tying knots. ? From knots made out of bread (reminder order your Butter Braids by November 13) to macramé, from sailing to sewing, from tying shoes to tying up hair- knots are everywhere.
This past Sunday in the Reformation Children’s sermon everyone was invited to stop when seeing something red and remember that God loves you. The photo of the red knot at the top of this blog post is a both/and- remember the red- God’s amazing love for you and an invitation on this All Saints Day to be curious how knots are connected to an All Saints Day remembrance and celebration.
This coming Sunday November 6, 2022 at both of our worship services at 9am and 11am (remember we “fall back” one hour for Daylight Savings Time) we will celebrate All Saints Sunday. Today November 1, 2022 is the actual date of All Saints Day I want to invite you to take to heart that God’s love for you is being revealed again and again and again. Keep on the lookout for red- at the stop light, the stop sign, the red flag on your post box, the last red leaves that are yet to fall…
So what do knots have to do with All Saints Day? I am “knot” going to tell you today- I am just inviting your curiosity and hope you will join in worship this coming Sunday. We will be exploring knots. We will also begin both worship services with the Roll Call of the Saints- remembering those who have died and those who have been baptized in the past year (if you want a name added to the Roll Call please send an email pastor@lordofthehills.org).
We are people who get to remember- remembering God loves us, remembering that nothing can separate us from God’s love for us, remembering that God is with us in all times and places. Today on All Saints Day you might want to light a candle to help you remember; remember loved ones who have died, remember how much God loves you, remember that in each one of us has in us the God spark of life.
Let your soul be nurtured, nourished and renewed on this All Saints Day. Both light a candle and let your light so shine. I hope you will “knot” miss joining in worship this coming Sunday November 6, 2022 at 9am and 11am as together we connect the "knots" of All Saints and our daily walk of faith.
Connect the knots. ❤️ it.