you shall love the Lord your God… with all your mind
There are so many idioms that use the word “mind”. Here are just a few that "come to mind" for me this evening:
Mind your own business
Minding the gap
Being of one mind
Minding your manners
Mind bending
Mind games
Mind reading
Peace of Mind
To be of two minds
To blow your mind
To speak your mind
Change your mind
Bear in mind
Make up your mind
As a person who enjoys words, thinking, riddles, puzzles, reading, and many manners of learning I am curious what "Loving the Lord, your God with all your mind" means for me at this particular time in my life. I would like to invite your curiosity about this for yourself as well. There are many folks for whom all those things/activities that I list above (those mind/thinking things) which I enjoy-- are not enjoyable for them.
We are each uniquely, beautifully, and wonderfully made. My hope and prayer is that during this preaching series, something will spark for you an invite to expand; your mind, your spirit, your connection with your body and your neighbor. So if those thinking things aren't your "cup of tea" how might you explore loving God with the mind God has given you?
As we go a little deeper this week in our exploration of Mark 12:28-34 I offer up a few reflections:
It has been many years, since I first heard the expression, "your mind can be like a bad neighborhood, you shouldn't go in there alone”. This Sunday, we will be exploring what it means to love the Lord, our God with all our minds- together.
The Greek word in Mark 12:30 for “mind” dianoia can be translated as understanding, intellect, mind, insight. Take some time this week to pause and consider what it means to you to love the Lord your God with all your mind- your understanding, intellect and insight. The spiritual practices associated with this weeks emphasis on loving God with our minds are Bible study and prayer. Last week as we did an introduction and overview the spiritual practice was worship.
We get to worship every Sunday at 8am and 10am. We offer Sunday School for all ages- and we bible study and praying opportunities each week. . On Tuesdays at 10 AM there is a Centering Prayer ZOOM meeting. This coming Tuesday January 16 at 6:30pm at the church women come together for the Gather women's Bible study. Most Wednesday mornings at 7:15 AM a small group gathers for Lectio Divina a combination of Bible study and reflection including an opportunity to pray for one another. Here is a link to email me if you would like to join in the Bible study: Overflow connected with this preaching series.
Tomorrow we will use these readings from Romans 12:1–2 and 1 Peter 1:13 to further extend our understanding of the message to love God with our minds.
Romans 12: 1-2
1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, on the basis of God’s mercy, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable act of worship.
2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.
1 Peter 1:13
13 Therefore prepare your minds for action; discipline yourselves; set all your hope on the grace that Jesus Christ will bring you when he is revealed.
My hope is this serves as a little "food for thought". I wonder if that's one of the ways that we nurture our minds, with "food for thought"? Last week we had a congregational potluck. It was a great opportunity to be connected with one another sharing food and conversation. This week who might your share your thoughts with? I would love to hear from you - what is going on in your mind/ with your mind in connection to your relationship with God? A Deeper Life is inviting us into deeper relationship with God and with one another.
I put together three handouts that will be available at the church if you will be with us in person tomorrow. You can email me at pastor@lordofthehills.org if you would like them sent to you electronically to print at home. They are an invitation to explore with your mind, some of the words and verses that "came to mind" for me as we consider what it means to love the Lord, our God with all our minds. I will be using the handouts with our Confirmation students who always invite me to expand my thinking as I learn alongside them. I hope you will find partners and friends to share your thoughts with and who can accompany you as you go into the neighborhood of your own mind.