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Apostles in August

This familiar camp song in the video above has been going through my mind as I have been preparing for "Apostles in August". This 5 week preaching series is an invitation to enter into mystery. The mystery of God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit- three in one. The mystery of proclaiming by faith a trust in that which cannot be quantified. The mystery of a God who invites us to into relationship over and over and over again.

Psalm 46 was one of the texts I chose to share this past week at Fort Logan as family and friends gathered after a long time of waiting to say their goodbyes to a loved one who was "laid to rest". As we start out this exploration of what it means to be an apostle, what we are professing when we speak the creed and how we will live out what we profess- here is an invitation.

Let there be refuge. Let there be a landing place, a safe place, a connection as you learn. This is one thing that can create a ripe learning environment- to be connected to the teacher. This is an invitation into a deeper relationship with God.

May the God who created you be your refuge and strength. May Jesus who knows deeply your human condition be your sustenance. May the Holy Spirit give to each of us that energy and life that is abundant and connects us to God. May this exploration of apostles in August be an opportunity for you to have your faith deepened, your mind expanded and your heart opened.



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