"The secret to life is enjoying the passage of time"- James Taylor
Years and years ago I got to hear James Taylor in concert. When he sang this song that one line; "The secret to life is enjoying the passage of time" hit a chord. I was always looking for what would come next.... over the decades this song often comes to mind for me as a reminder to slow down and be in the now moment.
When you read this I will be "enjoying the passage of time" down in the San Luis Valley where my beloved Dan grew up and learned to live a much slower paced life than my Los Angeles area growing up.
As we focus this coming weekend on Forgiveness - Part 2- forgiving one another I invite you to let time take time. We don't need to rush or force solutions. We can trust God to guide us in the timing. We get to provide the willingness. When we hear Peter question Jesus about just how often one needs to/should forgive- the answer is not a math equation but an invitation into the abundant grace of God.
Freely we have received, freely we get to give. As I take time this week to slow down my prayer for each of you is that you will take to heart the invitation all month long to focus on forgiveness. Jesus gives us the gift of setting us free- in the here and now. Join us each weekend as we learn, practice and grow in the journey of forgiving ourselves and one another (that's weeks 1 & 2) and stay tuned all month long.
May you take a few minutes this week to unplug also. It's often in the quiet that we hear God the loudest. May God's peace and patience surround you this week.