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The Howl Helped

The howling helped.

Here in Colorado at 8pm each evening people are invited to Howl. Dan and I tried it for the first time last night as we went to look at the Super Moon. We accepted the invitation to try it out. In his statewide address Governor Jared Polis mentioned the howl. We heard about it during the God sightings after our Tuesday of Holy Week worship service.

The invitation to Howl at 8pm has a Facebook page and is being shared all over the place. Howling gratitude for the health care providers and those who are putting themselves out there every day to keep essential businesses running. Howling out the grief for those from whom we are separated, those who are sick, those who have died. Howling for the pure joy of it and to connect with “our pack”. We are pack animals.

The howling helped. I didn’t know that it would I was just willing to give it a try. We heard just a few other howlers and some of our neighbor's dogs. Our dogs joined in as well. As pack animals- we have been created one for another. In this time of Social Distancing there are an abundance of ways to creatively connect. So maybe you will consider joining in?

The howling helped me, at least it did last night and I will try it again. There are a number of other things that have helped keep the fear at bay and the ship of hope close by- and most of them have come from others. Slowing down isn’t my strong suit and when I do… and catch my breath and take a break the spiritual bank account get replenished. So I am committing to pause and listen to how others are connecting. To pause and take a lunch break, step out into the sunshine, to knit a few rows before responding to the next email.... to get outside my home and comfort zone at 8pm and howl.

The howling helped me. Only God and you know what may help you. And I am trusting God to show you, invite you, cajole you, encourage you, light a little fire under you to help you make the connection with God's presence and God’s amazing grace. We are never truly alone. Remember? It was less than 4 months ago that we celebrated Emmanuel- God with us. In every breath and in every step, with masks on or off, as it was just a few weeks ago at work, school, church, and now sheltered in place- God is with us.

Maybe a howl howled or a howl heard at 8pm this night will remind you also. Even as God knows what helps us God will not force it. Free will friends - so it is invitation to become aware of God’s presence. It is invitation from sun and moon, stars and sky, what you see, hear, taste, smell, feel… to awaken to the In-dwelling Presence of God.

Perhaps you will pause today to catch your breath, step into the sunshine, set an alarm for 8pm and try out a howl or step out to listen in case it is your neighbor, a stranger, a dog out there making a noise to remind you that you are part of the pack of humanity. You are never alone. Maybe a howl will help you.

As we enter into the Easter Triduum (The Great Three days- Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil ) I would encourage you to pause, to listen for the still small voice, to be open to see what is working for others and try it, to let God use the voices and experiences of others both past and present to invite you into refuge and shelter of trusting that God is with you- no matter what.

Maybe even a howl will help.

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