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Will you do 2?

This Lenten Season you are invited to explore the spiritual terrain of the journey we take with Jesus to Jerusalem. It is an invitation to try something new, different, deeper, unfamiliar, intentional.... you decide and for Lent 2020 will you do two? Two new things? Two outside of your comfort zone things? Two ways that you hear the Spirit calling you in discipleship?

Two really isn't that much and maybe you start with the charitable giving of two dollars? Two dollars a day for 40 days? This is one of the asks of the 40 days of Giving for Lent 2020. Check out the video about people's hopes for this season. Hope is increased with action. The funds we collect as part of our Change for Change, Children’s Noisy Offering will go to the ELCA World Hunger fund and our friends at New Beginnings Worshipping Community. As a congregation we have up to twelve spots for adults to join in Friday night worship March 27, 2020 starting at 6pm at the Women’s Correctional Facility in Stapleton. Might this be one of the two things, activities, ways you consider letting God guide and direct you outside of the everyday and ordinary? Worship, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, study, acts of kindness- to love, serve and grow are all invitations to you for the next six weeks. Will you try two?

At less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks, I am going to commit to finding ways to save a minimum of $2 a day in what I already have budgeted. Did you know that 736 million people live in extreme poverty existing on less than $1.90 a day? And 400 million of them are children. The ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving resources are available here and on the table by our Lent GPS. As we begin this season I am motivated to see where the intentional spiritual practices of lent will take me. A big part of what is motivating me is the commitment I have gotten to see of some others in my life who are intentionally focusing on how they can grow spiritually this season.

What about trying out 2 new things this season? We have lots of special offering to help you grow and learn. What about choosing 2 ways to step outside of the familiar, ordinary and known patterns of your life? Consider ways to invest the gift of your time to love, to serve and to grow during these 6 weeks.

This Saturday February 29, 2020 from 10am-12pm we are hosting another Soul Shop Workshop here on our campus in the Inspiration Room. This learning opportunity will give you a chance to be part of reducing the stigma of suicide that exists in many faith communities. At any given time 1 in 17 adults and 1 in 6 youth are considering suicide, as a faith community we want to be better equipped to respond to the desperation and be aware of the resources available. The workshop is free.

We have 5 Wednesday Evenings of Holden Evening Prayer at 7pm accompanied by the personal sharing of those who have been guided/directed/re-routed in their journey. They will each be telling us a part of their story. There are Soup Suppers at 6pm on those same Wednesday evenings; March 4, 11, 18, 25 and April 1, 2020. What about trying two?

Sunday March 8, 2020 at 9:30am there is time set aside to join me in the Inspiration Room to ask questions about and get started on planning your funeral service. As Jesus’ followers we get to live trusting God has the last word, not death, and thus we are free to speak of death and end of life preparations from a faith perspective. All season long we will be looking for and listening to ways that the Spirit of God is guiding and directing us- the God Positioning Service (GPS). This same workshop time will be offered Saturday March 14, 2020 at 3:30pm.

Tuesday March 10, 2020 at 6:30pm Iman Jodeh, from Interfaith Alliance will come to share with our community about Islam as we get ready to welcome our new neighbors who are purchasing our excess property. Offering an “Islam 101” introduction we are looking forward to Iman’s presentation. What about trying this out?

The power of Quiet, Calm, Connected- is awaiting you on Saturday March 14, 2020 from 10:30am-2:30pm as we have the church open and available for you to create a Quiet Day self-guided retreat. There will be one community activity at 12pm if you would like to join in Centering Prayer. You are welcome to bring a lunch for yourself if you are here over your lunch time. You are invited to come for any or all parts of this day and then you can always hang out for an extra hour until the funeral planning event at 3:30pm. That’s two things in just one day.

So, how about it? Will you try two? Maybe there are some things that you have heard calling to you- this season is a wonderful time for intention (You could even name this season one of InLent.ionality) Consider how when we share God sightings in worship you may have two new ways to see God alive and at work in your life. Join me these six weeks as together we are guided by the GPS of God and being intentional in how we are called to Love, Serve and Grow as Jesus' followers.

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