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Pass it on! Let your light shine!

The song above was one of my favorites in youth group —forty some years ago. We loved to sing together as a group and it was one of the things that would connect us to one another. The songs often ended up living deep inside me as a message of light, love, hope, healing. Something happens when we join our voices and it was very powerful when we would sing by the campfire. This weekend we hear “You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid.” Matthew 5:14.

You. You? Do you understand this “you” to mean you? Epiphany is a season of light. Heed the invitation to open yourself up to awareness of insights, sparks, new ways of hearing God’s word and experiencing it. God is still speaking. And we get to share what we hear, what we experience and our connections with the Light- the Light that shines in the darkness. Jesus came as the Light into the world and we are joined in the Light life.

You. You are the light of the world. Will you take this to heart? How you show up in the world matters to God and to the world. Many of you know that I really enjoy watching both television shows; The Voice and America’s Got Talent. Thinking about it today it’s light for me. To get to see people share their gifts helps lighten my burdens. It inspires me to do likewise.

You. You are the light of the world. This week I invite you to take time to observe what inspires you. Consider taking a pause at the end of the day to ask what brought a smile to you over the course of the day. What sparked your curiosity? Maybe the question you ask about your day is where did I see God alive and at work in the day? Also, how did my light shine today? The Light of Christ is shining all around us and through us so we get to keep learning how to see it in ourselves and in others. Then….

You. You are the light of the world. Then we get to share the light. Are you aware that the Christ light is a gift you have been given? Listen deeply. Look closely. Take time to get in touch with what is happening within you. Allow yourself to be open to the guiding of the Holy Spirit.

You. You are the light of the world. Be not afraid. God is guiding you. Stop, look, listen. Ponder anew how God is at work in you.

You. You are the light of the world. Yes you and me and all of God’s creation is shining and communicating the amazing grace of God. You are being invited to shine. Shine!

You. You are the light of the world. You! Pass it on. It only takes a spark… to get a fire going. Soon all those around will warm up to its glowing. Listen again to this old time camp song and let it be a message for you. Yes, you! You are the light fo the world- let your light shine so that others can see….… Shine beloved child of God- shine.

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