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Epiphany 2020

A star shines brightly and calls us to follow. Sometimes we need to be away from all the distractions, the city lights, the demands of life to step out to see the stars. This is one of the gifts of outdoor ministry inviting us to seek Christ and connections in nature. This past weekend we got to hear from our friends at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp and they shared the video above. I was reminded how powerful these experiences are. Watch it!. You can hear the joy, see the light and love. This! This is the gift of connection and community and following the light.

When Nellie shared in the Children’s message how the wisemen followed the star it was such a gift to hear our children really tell the story. We are instilling in our children the power of the biblical witness and teaching them to share their lights. We are encouraging and inviting everyone to participate in practices of the season of Epiphany.

Today Monday January 6, 2020 is Epiphany. The feast day, the celebration of the gifts of the Magi- the wisemen bringing gifts to the infant Jesus. In the gospel reading Matthew 2:1-12 we hear how these men of power, status, education, and wealth pay homage to the infant Jesus. They travel following a star in the sky. They are called, compelled, driven to seek this King and bow in reverence to this gift of God in the flesh.

We will be observing the season of Epiphany until Ash Wednesday, February 26, 2020. This is a new year and a new decade in which I invite you to let light shine. Epiphany is a season to pause and observe how Christ is being made known to you. We will have available for you a basket of Star Words from which to choose a word to listen for, a word to guide you, a word to encourage you, a word invite you to seek the living Christ in 2020.

We will make available to you an instruction sheet for the Blessing of your home- this is a traditional Epiphany activity. We get to be intentional as the new year begins to offer blessing and welcome for all who enter our homes. This coming weekend January 11-12, 2020 we hear of the Baptism of Jesus. We will have a baptism at our Sunday 8am worship service. You will be invited to remember your own baptism and the gift of the Holy Spirit that has been given to you. It is a season of light, a season of gifts shared, a season for you to stop, look, and listen for how God is coming to your and giving you that special “God wink”. Epiphany Blessings!

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