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Blue Christmas - being together in times of sorrow

Isaiah 54:9-10


“This exile is just like the days of Noah for me:

I promised then that the waters of Noah

would never again flood the earth.

I’m promising now no more anger,

no more dressing you down.

For even if the mountains walk away

and the hills fall to pieces,

My love won’t walk away from you,

my covenant commitment of peace won’t fall apart.”

The God who has compassion on you says so. translation- The Message (MSG)

Grief, loss, sorrow, change, death, illness, separation…This season of Advent- the waiting and watching, hoping and praying is for some a season to just make it through. There are many types of loss and sorrow. To address the grief that is present for many at this time of year we are holding a Blue Christmas service this Saturday December 21, 2019 at 5pm.

Providing space for our sorrow and grief while trusting God’s presence in the darkness, this worship time is quieter and more reflective than a traditional Christmas service. The song in the video above, speaks to the complexities of grief. When we find ways to address our grief, sadness and loss, it creates space for healing.

We hope you can join us in this time of worship -whether you are in need of this type of quiet, reflective space or are someone who wants to add your presence- to be with others need the power of community to bear witness to our grief and loss.

There will be time for lighting candles around the cross, communion to remember Jesus is always with us and reading from our sacred scriptures. May you experience the Peace of Christ that surpasses our human understanding and trust in the power of the Holy Spirit to keep safe your heart and mind.

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