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A Daily Hallelujah?

A surprise. The surprise of a flash mob has been a great joy for me to watch and you can see one in the video above. It’s from Christmas time. We have been following the span of the story of Jesus from Christmas to Easter. The birth, the early days, the ministry and travels, miracles and healings, teachings, trial, death and resurrection of Jesus we have walked through in the past five months. Now in these 50 days of the Easter season we get to live out the Alleluia of angels and all of creation rejoicing in the power of Love over death. This is a season of rejoicing and responding. Hallelujah/Alleluia is the response of PRAISE GOD!

This year I am extending to you an invitation to live out your Alleluia with great joy, deep peace and a generous spirit. Throughout the 50 days of the Easter season (from now until Pentecost on June 9) would you partner with me in some experiments? This first week I am going to experiment with daily using the word Alleluia. Fifty days of Hallelujah. Every day, at least once, I am going to get it on my radar to give God praise using the word Hallelujah. God be praised.

In a prayer, in my journal, in my response to small occurrences and larger happenings where I want to be part of the bridge and arc that joins in the chorus of the angels. We are invited to be part of this chorus- giving God our praise. In the season of Easter we focus on the gift of our Resurrected Lord Jesus. He is

Will you also try this out? Rejoicing and giving God thanks for the gift of our risen Lord, letting Alleluia be on our lips isn’t only a practice for worship. We can experiment using it every day. We can encourage and remind one another that in the midst of everything that is going on in our lives the Risen Lord is with us. Hallelujah! This Easter season let us try it out together.

The video above of the flash mob starts off a little slow so take a few breaths and allow yourself to listen. The songs of praise of the Hallelujah choirs were one of the musical gifts we received this Easter in worship. Music and song, dance and drama, words spoken and written, acts of kindness and service can all be anHallelujah lived out in our lives. Try it.

My prayer for you this week is that you may be open to allow the words of your lips to give God praise.

Alleluia we sing your praises God with great joy!

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