“…just say this, the Lord needs it” Luke 19:31b
As we approach Holy Week, let’s keep it simple. Let's listen. In the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke when instructing his disciples to go and take a colt for Jesus to ride into Jerusalem he tells them, “just say this, the Lord has needs it”. Jesus gives his followers directions. Clear. Simple. They listen.
They listen. Part of his plan to ride into Jerusalem includes riding in on a young colt. Jesus directs this and makes it happen by telling his followers what to do.
God is still speaking. As we remember and recount the events of Holy Week starting with our Palm Sunday celebration I invite you to keep it simple and listen for directions. Slow down and create that “God pause” to listen even if it is to add words like these:
I believe, help my unbelief
Lord, let my heart be good soil
I awake O Lord to do your will
Your will, not mine, be done
All is well and all shall be well
Let go and Let God
As you make your plans for today, this upcoming Holy Week, this month, this year how will you make your connection with Jesus part of your plans? Let’s try it a day at a time to see what happens when we listen and keep it simple.
When plans got changed on Wednesday because of the snow I was reminded of all the things we cannot change. In that day to pause and then also remember what didn’t change was God’s presence and God’s love for us. Then to allow for the “God pause” to circle back to what we can change.
Smiling this morning, I reflect on how I get to keep learning to keep practicing a human and God version of what I am currently teaching our puppy- when at a turn look to your master. Listen for directions. Look to the one who is in charge for what to do next. Teaching loose leash walking takes a lot of time.
Zoey, our puppy, just wants to dart ahead or change direction or be distracted by a sight or sound. We stop. I get her attention and her eyes focused on me. It’s going to take time. I signed up for the full 3 sessions (18 weeks) of puppy training. It helps me to have a trainer to keep me on track and give me directions. She is also compassionate and understands that these things take time. Discipleship takes time. Jesus disciples kept learning to trust their Master.
“Speak Lord, your servant is listening”. 1 Samuel 3:9-10. God used Eli to help Samuel learn to listen and then what to say. That could also be a phrase to use in a God pause moment. Speak Lord, your servant is listening. Jesus taught his disciples to follow and then gave them the words to say. Jesus will keep doing the same for us.