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The Upside down way of Jesus

For several years as Easter approaches I have come back to this video. Forward and then backward I am reminded that the road to the cross is one that turns upside down the ways of the world. It grounds me in the power of the cross that speaks into the pain and suffering of this world. Speaking truth that God is with us and it matters.

We head into the holiest of days starting this coming Sunday March 25, 2018 with Palm Sunday. This Lenten season my personal discipline is to be intentional in fasting from fear. It is a daily practice. I have been working on my taxes and financial stuff often brings up the fear. The voice that tells me no fun until all the work is done has me getting overwhelmed with details for bulletins and sermons and trying to balance the competing demands for my time. When the fear rises and I recognize it I am reminded that I committed to replacing fear with prayer. This fast has provided me with numerous chances to reach out to ask others for help and to pray for me. I get to see how often I forget that I am "fasting from fear" and then reflect on how I just spent (x) amount of time on that "fear train". It has been humbling. It helps when I keep connected with my body.

When that tightness in my chest starts or I awake in the night with unfinished tasks racing through my mind I ask God for help. "God help me to open myself up to receive the comfort, reassurance and care". "Jesus remind me that it is not all about me or up to me." "Holy Spirit intercede for me." I am so incredibly grateful that we don't have to travel through this life alone. The words and music of this video remind me how God reorders our lives.

The life and death of a first century Jew named Jesus makes a difference. It changes everything. I hope you will join me in worship starting this coming weekend with Palm Sunday, then Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. If you are traveling or out of town take time to focus on that which changes everything. We trust that Easter is Coming....An empty tomb changes everything. Blessings on this last leg of your Lenten journey. Pastor Margot

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