Bless the Lord O my Soul- Psalm 103
We have had so many wonderful things going on this month and through out this month I have been taking time to rest, to be quiet, to listen. Last year I read the book A Song to Sing, A Life to Live: Music as a Spiritual Practice by Don and Emily Saliers ( do some of you know the Indigo Girls?- this is that Emily). Since that time a part of my prayer/meditation time I often listen to music or watch a music video. This past weekend I had wanted to share this video as part of our annual meeting and then realized we don't have good wall space in the sanctuary to show a video with the Christmas tree and wreath both up. So I hope you can enjoy this here instead. This is a great time to enjoy music and also to give God thanks and praise. May you find 10,000 Reasons to worship, to give thanks, to give praise. I hope to see you for Christmas worship this coming weekend.